Stock Lending and Borrowing System

Creating Software Systems to Help You Trade Better


Astuta Trading (Pty) Ltd provides services on a “Time and Material” or “Turnkey” basis to clients nationwide.

Program and Project Management

Astuta Trading (Pty) Ltd provides experienced, delivery-focused project and program managers to clients who are developing and implementing Software Solutions.

The company has managed significant programs and projects on behalf of its clients, both in terms of size (R100m plus) and complexity, mostly working with multi-cultural and multi-company teams located in different locations and countries.

Business Analysis

Astuta Trading (Pty) Ltd has a strong history of providing top-level business analysis skills to the financial sector. Projects include business process re-design, system design and integration for banking, treasury, asset management, and stock broking clients.

Astuta Trading (Pty) Ltd has advanced industry knowledge in the Stock Lending and Borrowing field.

Software Development

Want to develop a software product but do not want to recruit and manage resources? Now you have a software factory on tap. Astuta Trading (Pty) Ltd provides customers with access to a managed software team as a service based on a pre-agreed monthly retainer.

We are especially keen on servicing customers who are looking for a long term stable team to get familiar with the intricacies of their systems, and develop and maintain their products. We employ senior Full Stack Developers, Microsoft Certified Professionals, and utilise leading software development methods to deliver solutions to our clients based on C#, Windows Core, MS SQL Server, MVC.Entity Framework, Bootstrap and Web Services.

Operational Outsourcing Services

You can keep your business ahead of the curve and save you money by using Astuta Trading (Pty) Ltd to:
Automate your SLB and Swap business processes by using the Stars system – either on premise or in the cloud;

Or instead of providing the system, you could outsource back end or admin processes to Astuta Trading (Pty) Ltd where you do not need to employ a full headcount person, such as for daily:

  • Corporate Action Processing;
  • Risk Management;
  • Fee Reconciliations;
  • Other Operational or Administrative Tasks.

Contact our sales team to provide you with information that is appropriate to your business.